Advanced Dentistry


With more than four decades of experience, Dr. Timothy Crowe is a top-level Chicago dentist focused on being a true general practitioner advocating total systemic health. He consistently attends advanced education seminars, aiming to sharpen further his knowledge and skill in all aspects of dentistry.


Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can result in a number of symptoms, including popping jaw, jaw pain, or headache. TMJ disorders are often related to habits like clenching or grinding. At DMC, a TMJ specialist can help with these issues, providing patients manual therapy, appliance therapy and bite adjustment.


While most people may think that an orthodontist simply straightens teeth, they can do a lot more. At DMC, we use everything from Invisalign to appliance therapy to help promote proper growth and development, optimize bite and chewing function, and create a beautiful smile of straight teeth that work the way they should.

Airway Dentistry

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, roughly 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Of those people, there are 80% with moderate-severe cases that are undiagnosed. At DMC, an airway dentist can treat and diagnose patients with airway disorders.

ALF Orthodontics

The ALF (Advanced Lightwire Functional) is an orthodontic appliance that uses the principles of cranial bone micromovement to release strain patterns within the skull and body. At DMC, a holistic dentist can use this appliance with other appliances and treatment methods to aid with dental cranial issues and help proper growth and development for patients of all ages.


Ozone is a gas derived from the air that we breathe and it has many benefits in a dental office, including its ability to kill bacteria, promote immune system function, and detoxify. We produce ozone on-site and a DMC holistic dentist can utilize ozone dentistry to help improve overall oral health.

Dental Cranial

Jaw, skull, and skeletal imbalances and strains can cause a variety of issues including: headaches, neck pain, back pain, or jaw pain. Dental cranial is an osteopathic technique focused on the connection of the teeth and jaw to the rest of the body. At DMC, a holistic dentist like Dr. Crowe has geared much of his private practice towards this innovative technique and is considered an experienced and well-educated leader in the field.